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Fungal Glossary N


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Neosartorya sp.: Sexual state of Aspergillus species, notably the aspergillus fumigatus group among others. Neosartorya is common and is most closely related to Emercilla, another genus with Aspergillus anamorphs. Neosartorya is likely to be present along with related aspergilli if growth has been long term and the nutrients of the substrate are conducive for the conversion to sexual phase. Reports of illness include pulmonary infection, encdocarditis, and osteomylelitis. Health effects (for the most part), allergenicity, and toxicity of Neosartorya are closely related to the aspergillus anamorph and have rarely been studied apart from that primary phase. May be identified on surfaces by tape lifts, and tease mounts from bulk samples, especially if the Aspergillus anamorph is present. If Neosartorya spores are isolated on culturable sampling, the Aspergillus anamorph is likely to be the identifiable result, at least with primary growth within one week. Spores have somewhat distinctive morphology but would most probably be called “ascospores” on spore trap samples. Natural habitat is soil.

Nigrospora sp.: Found in decaying plant material and soil. Mode of dissemination: Active discharge mechanism. Does not require wind or rain. Type I allergies (hay fever, asthma) Very rare report of human infection. Rarely found growing indoors, Characteristics of growth/culture: White, flucose, spreading. Develops black spore clusters with time. A distinctive large, dark brown (nearly black ), globose spore is readily identifiable on spore trap slides. Distinctive but rarely found on tape lifts.

Nodulisporium sp.: Comprise a small proportion of the fungal biota. This genus is most closely related to Geniculosporium, Hansfordia, and Calcarisporium. No information is available regarding health effects, or toxicity, Allergenicity had not been studied. May be identified on surfaces by tape lifts, tease mounts from bulk samples, and in air by culturable sampling. Spores do not have distinctive morphology and would be categorized as “other colorless” on spore trap samples. Natural habitat includes soil and dead stems of trees and herbaceous plants, especially dead wood in the tropics.

Non-Sporulating sp.: These are organisms that have not sporulated under the culture conditions provided. Most never sporulate in culture (sterile mycelia). Some represent non-sporulating colonies of common fungi (e.g. Clidiosporium, Alternaria, even Aspergillus). Grows on a variety of substrates. Identification is not possible without sporulation. Potentially all fungi are capable of producing a non-sporulating state. Many fungi so not adapt well to routine mycologic media and growth conditions and therefore may not sporulate. Specialized media, light-dark cycles, UV light, and low or high temperatures ma be required to stimulate sporulation. Unless distinctive spore types are formed, identification may not be possible. Frequently non-sporulating colonies are produced by basidiomycetes (mushrooms), which usually do not produce fruiting structures on lab media. They may produce clamp connections and/or arthroconidia within their mycelia. Hyphal fragments are not routinely counted or reported. If numbers are excessive a comment indicating high numbers of hyphal will appear on the report. Non-sporulating mycelia may appear as colorless or pigmented (brown), septate (with cross-walls) or non-septate. Further identification requires sporulation on tape lifts.

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